Your Corporate Portrait - Putting Your Best Face Forward

A corporate portrait is something all professionals should not be without. With boundless opportunities to show yourself in a positive light, your headshot is an extension of your businesses brand, as well as your personal brand. In fact, your portrait is the first impression you give and sets the tone for what you and your organization represent.
While you can certainly pull out your iPhone these days and take a quick photo of yourself, do you really want your photo to say "I didn't want to spend the time or money to look my best?"
Of course not. What you should be thinking is how can I find a photographer who will create an image that looks and feels like me and my company brand - one that will make me look approachable, friendly, professional and will capture my personality.
It should not be without mentioning that social media plays a huge role in business these days, whether you want it to or not. The first thing people do when they meet you is Google your name and the last thing you want potential clients or employers to find is a mediocre photo of you that is 20 years old that has entered a time warp.
A great photographer will make you look your best at any age. They bring the knowledge needed to create quality images and have spent years honing their skills from understanding and using the right digital equipment and lighting, to positioning you to capture your best angles.
Don't let go of the opportunity to make the best first impression you can - it's spring and time to put your best face forward!
You never get a second chance to make a first impression!
Very important person, Oscar Wilde? Will Rogers? Nobody really knows
Do you really want to take a chance?
Research has shown, apparently, that it takes just one second to get a first impression of someone we meet, and just four minutes of conversation to develop opinions that are so solid that it will take between eight and ten additional encounters to change them.